What Is SEO texts and How It Works


I have always dreamt of writing articles for big companies and businesses. It seemed to me it was enough to express a clear idea by adding vivid metaphors and epithets, and the article would gain a high position on Search Engine Results Pages.

Author: Mariya U., Content Writer

I have always dreamt of writing articles for big companies and businesses. It seemed to me it was enough to express a clear idea by adding vivid metaphors and epithets, and the article would gain a high position on Search Engine Results Pages. Frankly speaking, I did not know much about SEO, and such words as “ranking” and “optimization” scared the hell out of me. But I did know one thing: SEO is the future and hence — the prospects.

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is a package of measures aimed at improving the position of a website in search engines (for higher ranking).

An SEO article is a text optimized under the key queries. Its goal is to get on Page 1 and enter the top 10.

Riddle, Wrapped in Mystery

Have you ever noticed how most articles on the Web are written? What about their structure on your favourite cooking/sport/historic sites? You did not do that, did you? Well, I got the news for you. You were probably reading good articles as professional copywriters avoid keywords out of place as readers may fly into a murderous rage as soon as they see them and multiple links may cause regular eye twitching. Almost all articles are subject to SEO copywriting rules: such texts include keywords, anchor links, relinking, and headlines (h1, h2, h3, etc.) as well. Thanks to copywriters’ skills, patience, and perseverance, keywords look natural, and links serve as an extra source of information.

SEO Content Writing Tips

Copywriters are wondering how to make the article better. Well, the good news is there are some general tips. They will help you improve it and lead your website to Page 1. However, fair play does not always yield results. You can write an impeccable article, but it won’t show up. What to do in this situation? There is a way out: try to use different methods. It is a way to analyze which one is suitable for your article and which doesn’t work.

It is hard to write a brilliant article, but a brilliant SEO article requires much more effort.


Keywords are words and phrases searchers enter into search engines. People use them to find relevant content (be it a Caesar salad recipe or a washing machine). Keywords can be of two types:

  • The exact match keyword is the phrase that does not change its form. As a rule, it matches the user’s query. For example, you have the keyword “to buy a washing machine”. If you want a potential customer to visit your website (online hardware shop), you should use an exact match keyword:” Did you look through many online shops but haven’t found where to buy a washing machine yet? You are in the right place.
  • Phrase match keywords, as a rule, change a little bit. It is possible to add extra words to the phrase, change a noun number to a plural, or rearrange the words.

“You have no idea where to buy a cheap washing machine, do you? Welcome to our online shop!”

Try to use both exact and phrase match keywords. Reread the sentences with keywords. They have to look natural and be readable. If readers constantly stumble upon such phrases as “washing machines cheap buy”, they will probably leave your website sooner or later.


Search engines won’t ignore this component, so neither should you. Nobody disputes that it’s much easier to “steal” info from competitors. However, the easiest way has never been effective. Do not ignore this requirement. Search engines index websites with unique content only. Learn more about the topic you are writing on. It is much better to have less but unique information.

A unique article has all chances to get on Page 1 (which cannot be said about “stolen” content). Remember once and for all: “Uniqueness is everything”.


Every article has to be well-structured. A reader won’t like to wade through long, intricate sentences with striking metaphors and vivid epithets aimed at confusing and diverting from the main idea. Don’t write this way.

Try to split the text into small paragraphs. It will make the information more accessible. Add both numbered and bulleted lists wherever it is possible. They help a reader to:

  • Quickly get the information;
  • Focus on main things;
  • Get back to the list and clarify the details.

Don’t forget about headlines (h1, h2, h3, etc.). Firstly, it’s a lot nicer to read the text where a copywriter has cared about the reader and structured the information — a user can skip to the item needed. Don’t wait for a potential client to read your article from beginning to end.

Write for people, not robots. It is hard to draw the attention of modern people: they can get bored while reading. Don’t waste time. Split the text into subheadings, and create lists and tables. The reader will be very grateful.


If you don’t want to ruin your or another online business’s reputation, check the text! I’d recommend you do it at fixed intervals. For example, when you have written a couple of paragraphs, it would be great to get back and reread them. It will help you find spelling, grammatical, punctuation, style, or even factual mistakes. A competent article looks more appealing, doesn’t it? Be responsible. The article shows the copywriter’s writing skills. It is his/her creation.

Don’t allow negligence to affect your reputation.

Quality Content

Any text (particularly SEO one) has to give answers to the reader’s questions. So, you have to write a technical task: analyze the competitors’ content and create your own — a unique one. Write simple sentences (if it is not an article about quantum physics). Even complex subjects can be explained in a clear and well-structured manner. Don’t “rise above” your reader.

Try to make sentences short. They also must have a key message. Complex structures will probably alienate potential clients — they will leave your website.


Relinking is an effective way to add extra weight to your text or website. Links can be of two types: internal and external.

An external link provides links from one website to another. So, some “weight” transfers to another webpage. It is a kind of advertisement. The more websites refer to your article, the greater the chance to attract new readers; therefore — potential clients.

An internal link helps to connect different pages with the help of hyperlinks within a website.

Besides, external links help the reader to get acquainted with a larger number of articles on a website. This type of relinking is an effective navigation tool. The correct weight distribution helps focus on more important web pages for promotion.

Everything Is In SEO

So, we have found out what SEO and an SEO article mean, how SEO content is created and what helps a website rank higher and attract new readers.

When it comes to unknown algorithms and SEO formulas, it seems that copywriters do not matter. All they can — write an article somehow, and that’s it.

However, when a company/an online business faces the task to write a good SEO article, a copywriter’s skills become an indispensable tool. It is thanks to a copywriter’s competence, that an article may reach the top 10 and draw readers’ attention.

Always try to make your article better, more innovative, and interesting. Even if you think you’ve outdone yourself, there will be details to add.

By following simple rules, you’ll achieve incredible results. May the force be with you.

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